Discover the True taste savored by the Native American

American restaurant in London
Native American food is too delectable, not only this, the food culture entails three staple items which are:

  • squash 
  • corn 
  • beans

The culture also involves other ingredients which are:

  • leafy vegetables 
  • deer meat 
  • berries 
  • pumpkin 
  • wild rice

Yes! These all lead to the deliciousness of a complete Native American meal. The people who are already known to have formed a resourceful community seem to be really interested in food fare. Native Americans have a tendency of using ingredients which are easily available. They have a long list of recipes to their credit. Since corn is available in abundance, it is majorly used in Native American food. Corn products are primary ingredients in cuisines prepared by the American.

The Corny truth about Native Americans

Corn is so much used in Native American meals that you will almost be surprised. They often cook food with corn. Harnilla which is a common food among the community is also known as Blue Corn meal because the ingredient basically hails from a corn filled background. Harnilla is ground to release flour. This ingredient is also staple for the making of tortilla. Even other starches are corn based. Besides this corny affair the people often indulge into eating meat of rabbits, beavers, buffaloes, mutton and also pork. Wild grains are again a staple ingredient for Native American food. From wild onions, pumpkins and cabbages to sage and cactus, these all are true American food which have attracted people from across the world. If you are looking for such food, look up for an American restaurant in London.
