American Food That Will Make You Crave For More

American fast food has come off age with its distinct fast processing trait. Now, that makes it quite relevant why American food is so finger-licking good. The grease and the spices make them tastier. Americans are so driven towards flavourful grub that they almost reach out anywhere to have the food of their desire. To satiate the impressive appetite Americans themselves indulge into a lot of culinary activities which encourage them to make tasty blends from cuisine cultures of various nations.

The American list of food is big and it is in fact too difficult to shortlist a few. Even gourmands can’t help missing out on few of the much loved food. The regional specialties are worth a bite. So let me just introduce to a few food from the American kitchen.

Tater tots: This American food is based solely on potato, it’s more or less like French fries. The only thing that makes them a little different from their French cousin, is the shape. The tater tots are cylindrical.

Keylime Pies: Limes can make for excellent confection at least that’s what the American menu is telling. Officially from Florida, the sassy tart is a must have for a dessert craving.

Pot Roast: This they claim is an “American comfort treat”. It’s kind of sentimental favourite with a beef brisket, deep roasted and coupled with potatoes. Carrots and onions too have a place in this recipe.

Biscuits ‘n’ gravy: It’s simply irresistible and considered a Southern favourite. The biscuits are complemented with a gravy comprising butter, meat drippings and fresh pork sprinkled with black pepper.

Meatloaf: this humble comfort food comprises salted pork served with mushroom sauce.

You can look for these American cuisines in London if you really want to taste something juicy and delicious. Choose from the wise picks mentioned here and enjoy your grub.
