Etiquettes That You Need To Know When Visiting Any American Restaurant

Every year thousands of foreigner visit America, especially London. People love this heritage city since centuries and it never made the visitors upset with its rich history, culture, cuisine and power. So, whenever you visit this city, you need to respect its culture and have to maintain certain etiquettes, especially when you go at any American restaurant near London. So, keep these following points in mind.

Prebook Table

Just because there is no person in a table, don’t think it’s vacant. It may be booked by someone else online or via phone. It can be embarrassing experience for you. Most of the bars and restaurants in America take their booking online and if you don’t use this method, maybe you have to return home without taking any food. Yes, during the peak hours, it’s really tough to get a table.

Don’t offer Tip

Offering tip is welcomed in most of the countries. But in American restaurants in London, mostly they don’t accept such tip. You can get a disrespectful reply from the waiters. So, it’s better keep an eye on the surrounding table and if the other customers are offering tip, you can proceed. Else control yourself.

Don’t Make Chewing or Sipping Sound

Many people get so involved into the taste of the food that they forget about the surrounding. And making sound while chewing or sipping some sauce is common in such people. It’s considered as a very bad habit in America and thus you should be aware of it. Keep your lips closed while chewing to avoid such sound.

Use Fork & Knife Carefully

No matter how you take food at home, if you have visited any American restaurants near London, you’ll be provided with fork and knife to cut foods into pieces and to eat. Give a quick look at any online video on how to use them properly and use them while eating.
